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Sony PlayStation Uncharted 3 Half-Tuck Truck

Objective: generate mass awareness for the launch of PlayStation’s Uncharted 3 title. Make an authentic association amongst consumers between the game’s lead character, Nathan Drake, and his signature half-tuck style.

Strategy: transformed a raw box truck into a bachelor pad-inspired, sleek and masculine environment. We activated the truck by creating a mobile styling experience during New York Fashion Week where celebrity stylist, Jay Manuel and fashionista, Kourtney Kardashian gave half-tuck makeovers to consumers.

Results: messages tweeted during the day of the activation reached over 4 million people, more than 100,000 consumers visited the Facebook tab within the first 7 days, the truck was viewed by over 42,000 people in 6 hours, one on one engagement with more than 3,500 consumers and ‘truckload’ of press.